Misty, a rescue from Equine Outreach in Bend relaxes deeply as I work her injured leg. The cause of the injury is unknown, but the build up of scar tissue has cut off the circulation around her lower extremity causing very poor blood flow to flow up the limb and back down to the hoof. Her owner has diligently been working on the scar picking away old tissue, keeping it soft, and making sure she gets adequate movement throughout the day. It has reduced by 50%! Continuing to work on the scar will send signals to the nervous system and bring awareness to this area creating more blood flow. The tissue solidified years ago and was solid, but slow work releasing and patiently applying cross-fiber strokes to break up the sticky adhesion's has proven to be a big success. She also throws her leg as she walks, I believe she is unaware of it’s proximity to the ground, although I’ve seen her canter across the paddock which is big progress! Since the injury is old, Misty has developed many areas of compensation throughout her body. |